Across London and the South East, Volvo chassis with Thompsons bodies are now the most popular 8x4 tipper specification, according to Dave Hutchins, sales director for MC Group, which has been working with Thompsons for 20 years.
For him, Volvo's latest FMX chassis combines well with Thompsons heavy-duty all-steel Loadmaster body.
"We've known Thompsons since our very earliest days, and what has really made the difference for us is their energy, enthusiasm and commitment," comments Hutchins.
"Thanks to their innovative designs and top-flight manufacturing systems, Thompsons bodies are always a clear step ahead of their competition, thereby complementing the technology and performance of our Volvo construction chassis," he continues.
"Looking back, we've put Thompsons bodies on every type of tipper chassis we've ever sold, from the venerable F86 to the game-changing F7, then the FL10 and now the latest FM and FMX."
"We obviously welcome the opportunity to work with truck dealers anywhere, but the relationship that's grown up between ourselves and MC really is a bit special," agrees Thompsons director Scott Burton.
"Besides each party having market-leading products, the real relationship between us has been built on trust, understanding and the full confidence in each other's capabilities. especially when situations arise where someone has to go the extra mile," he adds.
Commenting on changes in the industry, Hutchins observes that, in the past, most of its truck were sales were plain front-end tippers.
"But, these days there's almost no such thing as a straight tipper. Chassis are now vastly more sophisticated and getting still more so. Euro 6 is almost here, with Whole Vehicle Type Approval coming right behind," he explains.
"Our customers include everyone from demolition contractors to utility companies and from haulage companies down to the local builder. As a result, we have to be able to deliver vehicles with finely tuned specifications that meet each and every operator's individual needs."
Recent customers include utility contractors such as SQS and Ferns, hauliers and civil engineering contractors such as Matthews, Erith, FM Conway, Kingman, Mark Luck and Harlex, and major aggregate suppliers such as Day Group and Brett Group.