
VOSA launches Van Best Practice guide to improve compliance

With 50% of light goods vehicles (vans) failing their MOTs every year, it is clear that things have to change. So says VOSA (the Vehicle and Operator Ser4vices Agency), in launching its Van Best Practice Guide.
Gordon MacDonald, head of VOSA enforcement policy, states that the guide is aimed at helping to raise the standards of vans throughout the UK – whether used by companies or on private hire – and encouraging a culture of compliance, leading to fewer MOT failures and prohibitions. "It's well known by people in the motor trade that there is a high first-time MOT failure rate for this type of vehicle," comments MacDonald. "Many of the owners are running small to medium businesses and it must cause inconvenience, especially loss of income, while their vehicles are off the road," he continues. "We want to work with them to increase their awareness that a regularly serviced and well maintained vehicle will mean their business is more efficient and they won't risk having to let customers down because they can't do the job." The guide includes an operator and driver checklist, along with a diagram of a recommended van walk-around check. This publication has been produced in collaboration with trade representatives involved in the industry.

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