
AI-driven telematics system launched by Teletrac Navman

Teletrac Navman has launched a new telematics package with artificial intelligence technology that it says will change the face of telematics.

It says that traditional telematics systems rely mostly on GPS and motion sensors as they collect a narrow set of data-points, centered on location, diagnostics and routing.

It says that these systems, designed to eliminate paper-based reporting and processes, required users to spend an excessive amount of time analysing digital reports to identify opportunities for improvement.

Instead, it says, through artificial intelligence, TN360 removes that analysis period for its users. It allows managers to take corrective action as soon as impactful outliers occur. TN360 uses a scalable cloud ecosystem that connects data from sensors, cameras, mobile and third-party applications in real-time and translates raw signals into context.

Andrew Rossington, vice president of technology, Teletrac Navman, says: “We built TN360 with an AI-first approach on the latest technology stack, delivering a paradigm-shifting product. We use this technology to process the masses of data collected and turn this into real answers. The platform converts data into decisions.”

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