
Engine re-mapping saves 10% in fuel, says auto electrician

A Gloucester mobile auto electrician is offering fleet managers, taxi firms, bus and coach firms, and hauliers "guaranteed substantial savings" on their fuel costs.
Charlie Morgan, of Mottec Automotive, says engine re-mapping has, over the years, changed from being a tactic used by people looking for more power in their cars into a growing trend for improving fuel economy and reducing emissions. The process, which involves re-programming the software on the vehicles' engine control unit (ECU), usually takes just a couple of hours to complete, he says. Morgan also claims that it is fully insured and has no impact on the manufacturer's warranty or – as long as it is done for improved economy – any resulting rise in insurance premiums. With prices starting at £225, a typical 10 to 12% fuel saving will repay the investment in only 10,000 miles, believes Morgan. "The more recent the vehicle, the more scope there is, but the process will work for any company looking to save fuel costs and reduce CO2 emissions," advises Morgan. "It could be just one car, or a company with a fleet of vehicles – any firm that is feeling the pressure of rising fuel costs can save themselves money."

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