
Horiba Mira opens world-beating kinematics and compliance lab

Vehicle engineering and design consultancy Horiba Mira has upgraded its kinematics and compliance facility with the installation of new technology for suspension testing.

The new system – which includes fully integrated point location measurement powered by AICON – uses twin photometric cameras, making it the most advanced Anthony Best Dynamics kinematics and compliance test facility in the world.

David Dabbs, senior engineer at Horiba Mira, explains that, as well as measuring the full range of parameters necessary to understand a vehicle’s ride and handling performance, the new facility also measure 3D component deformations when loads are applied to suspension and steering systems – an area where traditional instrumentation struggles.

The K&C Inspect system works by using small reflective targets that can be located in three dimensions and tracked at high frequency.

Applied to any surface on the vehicle in view of the cameras, the targets are used to measure component, chassis and subframe displacements and deformations.

By using two AICON Move Inspect cameras, up to 50 points can be measured simultaneously and the output recorded directly alongside K&C data.

“The investment into the K&C facility means we can continue offering the latest in cutting edge technology when it comes to developing world class vehicle attributes,” states Dabbs.

“The AICON K&C Move Inspect system allows us to gather 3D data more accurately and efficiently, which is critical to satisfying manufacturers’ needs for the creation of simulation models and the development of prototype vehicles.”

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