
SMMT launches Ultra Low Carbon Truck strategy

The UK's Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) has outlined its vision for greater efficiency and cleaner transportation for truck manufacturers and operators.
The announcement was made at the Society's International Automotive Summit, by Martin Flach, UK product manager for Iveco, and member of the SMMT's truck technical committee. He was supported by Jonathan Murray of the LowCVP, Simon Chapman, the FTA's chief economist, and Jack Semple, policy director at the RHA. The main points of the strategy concluded that: Cutting emissions depends on cutting fuel use; success is as much in the hands of operators as vehicle makers; authorities need to agree a way to measure truck and freight CO2 emissions, and low carbon technology needs to be proven. "With increasing pressure to improve efficiency, cut fuel use and carbon emissions, the SMMT has responded with a strategy that will help truck makers and operators deliver even lower carbon transport," said Flach. "For a truck, the priority is the weight or volume of its cargo and the need to deliver. We need to measure fuel use and resulting CO2 emissions against the amount of freight and the distance for which it is carried," Flach continued. "We need to measure the cost per tonne per kilometre. Measured on that basis, modern, large and heavy trucks are more fuel efficient than smaller, lighter vehicles."

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