
Transport sector ‘not sold’ on benefits of autonomous vehicles

Transport industry professionals are not sold on the benefits of autonomous vehicles, with a third believing the new technology will not work.

That’s among the findings published by Microlise, in its Microlise Transport Conference post-event report.

More than 1,000 professionals attended the event and delegates took part in interactive voting on a range of topical issues. The report details the responses, broken down by sector, age, job position and gender.

The report, says Microlise CEO Nadeem Raza, aims to deliver “the most accurate reflection of the sentiment in the transport industry right now, across the key issues”.

Raza adds: “The findings tell us that the industry is still not sold on the potential of autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles – despite many experts predicting them on our roads in the not too distant future.”

Delegates were also asked whether they would vote to leave or remain in the EU: most said they would vote to leave, mirroring the referendum result last week.

However, when questioned about the EU, 43% said that they felt leaving would have a negative effect on the haulage industry.

Other findings include: 84% believe the government’s support for the transport industry is unchanged since the Conservatives came to power; and 58% feel the situation in Calais has worsened in the last year.

Next year’s Microlise Transport Conference will be held on 17 May, at The Ricoh Arena in Coventry.

To download the 2016 post conference report, which includes a recap of each session as well as response statistics, click the link below.

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