
Whale Tankers future-proofs business with apprentices

Whale Tankers has taken on four more apprentices this month, with the latest cohort set to study a wider range of disciplines.

The company says it has already spotted one potential design engineer among the group and the other three will focus on mechantronics – a multi-disciplinary field combining mechanical engineering, electronics, computer engineering, telecommunications engineering, systems engineering and control engineering.

The four join six others who began their apprenticeship last year and who are studying a variety of subjects, including fabrication and welding and IT software development.

Lisa Terry, Whale’s HR manager, says: “Whale Tankers is committed to the concept of apprenticeships and this is an excellent way to ensure our future workforce is completely engaged with our products and company culture.”

She adds: “Over the last two years alone, we have had more than 150 applicants eager to be part of this programme, so we get to select the best from a hugely talented pool of young people.”

Rob Cuff is the training mentor; he has worked at Whale for more than 20 years and guides the recruits through all aspects of the engineering processes.

He says: “Whale’s apprenticeship programme is our best opportunity to future-proof the business and make sure we don’t encounter the skills gaps that many other companies within industry are experiencing.”

Since the apprenticeship scheme began 19 years ago, Whale has taken on 40 apprentices, 25 of whom are still working within the company, some in management roles.

Whale’s latest four recruits are pictured along with the 2017 group, and with mentor Rob Cuff (far right).

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