Bridgestone believes that its flexible tyre service, combined with consistency of supply, were reasons behind its success at the Euro Bus Expo 2014, which saw significant new fleet orders.
Instead of talking solely about tyres, Bridgestone majored on its personal service, where operations managers work as closely as possible with each fleet.
Bridgestone also talked about its maintenance and support programmes, including tyre pressure checks, provision of retread products and simplicity of invoicing.
"Firstly, we are flexible: fleets can opt for a full-fit package where we physically remove then re-fit the wheel assemblies to our customer's vehicles," comments Bridgestone's fleet operations manager Matt Millington.
"Alternatively we can offer an option where we solely supply the built up assemblies to our customers, or we also boast a 'hub and spoke' service where we don't offer a resident tyre technician on our customer's premises but run the assemblies out of a central operations service building," he continues.
"But secondly, our operations managers are very hands-on and understand the importance of creating close working relationships which last.
"They are on site every single month and they pride themselves on knowing the condition of each and every single tyre."