Supplied by JDS Trucks of Leeds, the new additions join the operator’s 17-strong Renault fleet delivering integral blinds for bi-folding doors and standard double-glazed units across the UK.
The Master panel vans are equipped with glass transport systems that include exterior roof racks and side racks, and internal glass frame racking by Tameside Glass. Bodybuilding for the Master dropside with tilt-frame body was by Truckcraft Bodies.
Morley Glass has been a Renault customer since 1998 and, says managing director Ian Short, “we receive an exceptional service from JDS Trucks”.
The dealer services Morley’s vans overnight, which is “extremely beneficial” for fleet uptime, says Short.
“It’s not just the service and reliability that matter, though. The Renault Trucks’ vans may be our workhorses, but the cabs are really well equipped and our drivers love the comfort level. The low loading platform is perfect too, ensuring we can load and unload as easily and safely as possible. “
The vehicles are expected to cover 100,000 miles a year and be in operation for three or four years.